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CPP Certified Professional Photographer Study Group Meeting
Zoom Event - register for the link
Videoconference information will be provided in an email once payment is received.
Event Contact(s)
John E Gayler
CPP - Certified Professional Photographer
Registration Info
Registration is required
About this event
PPSCV CPP Study Group Meeting:
Step 1 Declare as a candidate, after which you have two years to complete the requirements
Step 2 Take the CPP 100 question exam, online or in person, and get a passing grade.
Step 3 Submit three acceptable images for the Technical Image Evaluation (TIEP)
Monthly CPP Study Group meetings will help declared candidates and interested parties as follows:
- Introduce the requirements of the PPA CPP certification
- Review the CPP exam curriculum
- Detail the CPP study resources available
- Address specific candidate questions and issues
- Help schedule online and in-person exams
- Schedule Technical Image Evaluation Preview sessions
- Support declared candidates in the CPP certification process\
PPSCV members and non-members welcome.
Register for the Zoom link.
Can't make it? Please cancel.
The CPP Study group is hosted by PPSCV for members and non-members.
Please register for the event to receive the Zoom link (new members only)
PPSCV CPP Liaison John Gayler will be taking us through the process from declaring to certification and beyond.
Bring your questions, and continue the journey with like-minded photographers looking to identify and fill gaps in their technical knowledge, develop confidence that they are well prepared for their craft, and get an edge in your marketing to clients that have confidence in you.
The goal is to create a local community for sharing knowledge and support on your journey and see if you can complete the CPP certification in 2022! (Tip, you most likely can ;-)
Note that in 2022, PPA temporarily suspended the PPA CPP Liaison position, so this program is offered as an unofficial and independent resource to help people on their CPP journey.